Off to the cabin again. This time with the Horn side of the family. We arrived late Thursday night after Will slept the entire way. YEAH!!! He really does not like to be confined to the car seat especially since it is still rear facing. We awoke Friday morning and noticed something was missing. Apparantly the storms had been pretty fierce the weekend before and the dock washed away. It is resting down by the dam.
They all want to ride the little ATV.
We had a great time riding the ATV's, fishing, playing games and just relaxing. Will certainly enjoyed exploring and getting dirty.
Here is a picture of Will fishing with his Daddy and yes that is a barbie fishing pole.
Nice catch Kali
Here is a cute picture of Will hanging out with his cousins Kali and Ava. Ava doesn't look too happy that Will's fingers are in her mouth.
Will driving (don't worry it was on my parent's property)
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