Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 19, 2012

11 Months

Wow..............we have sure come a long, long way in the last month.  One month ago I was still nursing every 3-4 hours and she was still waking up at night and most of the time would only go back to sleep if I nursed her (and that was after a 45 minute screamfest).  She won.....I tried!!

Now we are only nursing 3 or 4 times a day.  She is drinking whole milk....yes I know it's a little early but she wouldn't take a sippy cup with anything else in it and how in the world was I supposed to wean her when no bottle, no sippy cup.  The moment I put whole milk in her sippy she loved it.  She is eating 3 meals a day from her highchair and a couple snacks.  I am really hoping that this will add some weight to her.  She does eat just about anything right now.  She prefers the salty and crunchy!!

Emma is almost 17 pounds and still in a size 2 diaper so we will see what the doc says at her 1 year check up.  I did actually buy some 12 month clothing.  Emma is pulling up on everything and cruising along all the furniture.  She is very, very close to walking and will probably be taking her first steps just in time for her birthday!!

I can't believe she is almost one and we are well into planning her big party.  She is growing so fast it just amazes me.

I know our days are numbered as far as sink baths go so I am trying to do as many as I can.  Here are some pics of my happy, happy, beautiful girl!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cabin Trip 2012

Best picture of the whole weekend!!!

Ahhh.....the cabin. We love going to the cabin. It is only one of the few places where you can disconnect from the entire world and just relax and enjoy the moment. We try and go down every year for my birthday because it is before all the bugs come out and it is not too cold.  Everyone had a blast riding ATV's, shooting guns, fishing and just having fun.  It is absolutely beautiful and we hope to go down more often.

Will has mastered his little ATV and no longer needs us to run alongside with the leash.  He loved running through the mud puddles.

Everyone got a chance for a little ATV ride.

My silly Will enjoying what boys do best!!

My sweet baby girl!!!

The snipers of the family!!

We hope to go down again soon.