Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Drunken Sailor Walk!!

Will is really doing well. We have battled pink eye and now his fourth tooth. Mike is still working. YEAH!!! Grandma is back home and doing well and Uncle Rick is doing good and still recovering in the hospital.

Friday, March 27, 2009


We finally got the results back from the x-rays and Will does not have hip dysplasia. YEAH!!! We will be working with PAT to work on strengthening his left side. In other good news Mike is back to work. He started back last Thursday with Jarrell, a commercial shop. He is just happy to be back to work. I am still looking.

Keep in your prayers my Grandma who had a hip replacement on Tuesday and is recovering at a hospital in Springfield. Also keep in your prayers my Uncle Rick who had a quadruple bypass yesterday. Both are doing well and hope to be home soon.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

9 Months!!

Will is now 9 months old and getting into everything. He is now trying all different sorts of table foods. He actually ate his first green bean the other night and Mike just loves to share his ice cream with Will.

We had Will's 9 month check up last Friday and the doctor noticed that Will was a little slower with his left side than his right. I had noticed that he was kind of dragging his left foot when he started walking. Initially I didn't think much of it but with the doctor's input we decided to get it checked out. The doctor thinks there is a possibility of hip displasia. Yesterday, we went to St. John's to get some x-rays and we should know the results by the end of the week. We are praying that they come back normal so keep him in your prayers.

Will's 9 month Stats:
Weight: 19.8 lbs (30%)
Length: 29 3/4 in. (90%)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Birthday!!

I have been enjoying my new career of stay-at-home mom and watching Will grow. When I started back to work it was nice to have my freedom back and spend time out in the real world. Now that I have been home for a couple of weeks it is going to be even harder to leave my little guy the second time around. I am looking for jobs and there is not a lot out there. We will see where this takes us.

We have also been able to make a couple trips into K.C. for some family time due to the fact that we are both unemployed now. It has been great spending time with my family. Mike is able to do odd jobs here and there and I have a severance so we are doing fine financially.

Will finally got his first tooth on Thursday the 26th and on Saturday the 28th (just before my b-day) he took his first steps. This little guy is going to be hard to keep up with before long.