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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pumpkin Time

We went to the Pumpkin Patch over the weekend when we were in Kansas. We actually went to a Cider Mill that also had a Pumpkin Patch. We were able to go with my parents, an aunt and uncle, and my grandma even was able to come along. Will had a great time rolling pumpins around and doing all sorts of fun new stuff. We tried to put him in a bouncy house for little kids but he wasn't quite ready for that.
Congratulations to Dave and Rachel who got married on Saturday. It was a beautiful wedding.

This pumpkin is too heavy.

Sharing an apple cider doughnut with Great Grandma

My first pony ride.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love the picture of Will surrounded by the pumpkins. He is growing up so fast, he is just ADORABLE!