Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brotherly love

Will just loves his little sister and wants to help mom do everything. He wants to hold her and feed her and loves to bring her his animals and blankets. Will also loves to pretend to be a baby himself. He will grab a pacifier and pretend to be a baby, he will bring me the boppy and want to sit in it like Emma does. All this is just play for him and with everything that has happened I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

Emma is doing great and still is a wonderful sleepy baby who only cries when she is hungry. The only problem is that she likes to take just snacks about every 1-2 hours. We will have to work on extending that a tad. She is wearing out all her newborn clothes as we didn't have a whole lot because Will never really wore them at all. I know in probably another two weeks she will be in the 0-3 month and I will be wondering how she grew so fast!!

I got the all clear today from the doctor. I am going off my blood pressure medicine tomorrow and then need to closely monitor it for the next couple days and I should be as good as new. I can now get off my bed rest and 24 hour surveilance I was put on.

Enjoy the pictures!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Easter Babies!!!

Here are some pictures from Easter. Thank you to Mimi and Papa for taking Will to see the Easter bunny and for dying eggs with him. We still were able to have a mini Easter egg hunt at home.

This is the best picture Will has ever taken with a mythical creature/person:

Monday, April 25, 2011

Emma Marie Horn

Emma Marie Horn arrived on Thursday 4/14/2011 morning at 8:14 a.m. She was 7lbs 1oz and 19 3/4" long. She is an amazing baby who only cries when she is hungry. God has truly blessed us with a beautiful little girl.

Emma is 11 days old today and it has certainly been a crazy 11 days. Not the newborn crazy but an entirely different crazy. I will start with how she decided to arrive into this world. On Wedensday the 13th we went for a walk around our neighborhood and it wasn't too long before Emma started moving like crazy making me very uncomfortable. I had seen the doctor earlier that day and wasn't making much of any progress so I wasn't expecting anything. At 11:30 I awoke to my water breaking. Things were moving along quietly and normally and at 7:30 a.m I was only at 5 cm. That is when Emma decided she was ready to come out. In a matter of 15 minutes I went from 5 cm to fully dialated and she was out in 6 pushes. It sure beats the 3 hours I went through with Will. There were some scary moments when here heartrate dropped to the 60's but all was well when she came out screaming.

Things were going great and I was getting ready to brave the world with 2 kids. Then on Thursdary morning the 21st, exactly 1 week after giving birth I awoke with a horrible headache. Thank goodness my mom was still in town and when you mom looks at you and says "oh crap, something's wrong", you know she is right. Anyway, we decided to run into my general practioner to see what was up because they could see us right away. After seeing her I was told I needed to go to the ER....oh yay!!!! My blood pressure was way up there and my mom said my face looked like a cantelope. I have never had bp issues before and was very uncertain as to what was going on.

Mike met us at the ER and after about an hour or so in the ER with my blood pressure continuing to rise I was re-admitted to labor and delivery with postpartum pre-eclampsia. Yes, in very rare cases it can happen after you give birth. I was put on a 24 hour magnesium drip and blood pressure medicine. I am doing much better now and am home.

I am still not sure what this means and I see the doctor on Wednesday but it was a very scary time and I am so happy to be home with my babies!!! Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a mother and raise my babies.