Will I cannot believe you are now 4 years old. You are quite the handsome big boy. You are getting so big and you make me proud to be your mommy everyday. You just got over having your tonsils removed and my how things have changed. You are sleeping so much better which makes me a happy mommy. You love to play with just about anything but right now you really like to play with your new Fiddlesticks (the ones we grew up with) and build any creation you can think of. You are a wonderful big brother you and Emma play really well together most of the time. Instead of reading books at night right now you love to have Daddy read you Comic Books and stories he has downloaded onto his Iphone. Mommy loves you so much and your are turning into such a big boy. I love watching every minute of you growing up.
I have seen this done by some other people and thought it was a great idea and something I hope to do in the coming years to see how Will's answers change. I gave no prompting at all and these are all straight from the mouth of a 4 year old boy.
1. What is your favorite color? Green & Yellow
2. What is your favorite toy? Pirate Ship & Castle
3. What is your favorite fruit? Peaches & Apples
4. What is your favorite TV Show? Shrek & Tangled
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Grilled Cheese
6. What is your favorite outfit? Pajamas
7. What is your favorite game? Blocks
8. What is your favorite snack? Fruit Chews
9. What is your favorite animal? Crocodile
10. Who is your best friend? Jaden
11. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with bubbles
12. What is your favorite drink? Apple juice
13. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
14. What do you take to bed with you every night? My Animals
15. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Grilled Cheese
16. What do you want to be when you grow up? Policeman
17. What are you good at? Games @ Chucky Cheese
18. What do you and Mommy like to do together? Play outside
19. What do you and Daddy like to do together? Play guns
20. What is your favorite thing to do? Play
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