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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

4th of July Part 1

The Fourth of July was a 2 part event for us.  The 4th fell on a Wednesday and the  night before we had a slumber party with all the cousins (Kali, Ava, Will & Emma) and we made some yummy treats...

I put them all down to bed and went down to clean up the kitchen when all of a sudden they all came running downstairs saying "Someone is knocking on the windows!!!"  I knew there was no way they were going to sleep any time soon so I let them go outside and see what that knocking noise was.  They sat outside and oohed and aahed for the next 20 minutes.

They had so much fun and I guess I was the "cool mom & aunt" at least for a little while!!

The next morning they were helping me get ready for the big party and I put them to work cleaning and buffing the floors!! HaHa!!

Emma sampling the yummy treats and getting a sugar high!!

And now for the crash!!


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