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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

7 Months and Sitting Pretty

Emma is doing wonderful and I hope that all our scares are far behind us now.  She has finally hit the 14 pound mark.  We were making great strides in introducing solids before we hit the hospital.  Ever since then with all the forced oral meds and everything she won't let me get a spoon near her mouth.  She just closes her lips and if I do manage to get some in she spits it right back out.  For now we have decided to just breastfeed because that is the most important anyway and solids are mainly for fun right now.  She does love this mesh thing you can put foods in that they can suck on.  We have done lots of frozen fruits and might start trying other things too.

Emma is officially a sitter.  She can sit for 10+ minutes at a time.  We are scooting and she is starting to really enjoy her walker.  She is starting to babble and "talk" to us.  Her hair is finally starting to come in and yes it is still red.  Sleeping has been really bad ever since the hospital and she is waking every 2-3 hours but that it how often they would come and poke and prod at her.  I guess I might have to try some sleep training here soon:(

She is still in 3-6 month clothing and we have a jacket that is 0-3 month.  We are starting to finally fill out the clothes but we have quite a while before we graduate to 6-9 month.  She is still wearing a size 1 diaper.  I tried a size 2 but she kept leaking through them so we went back to the size 1.  She is going to be petite!!

Will and her get along great and she is just enamored with him.  Will is starting to not like her playing with his toys but it's not too bad right now.  I am just truly enjoying being at home with my little ones and watching them change and grow!!

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